Friday, March 30, 2012

On Writer's Block

     It’s not so hard, you know, to put words on paper. Once you get started, the stories just flow. It’s not physically difficult  at all. It’s all mental. Pure mental. That searing pain that flashes through your head, the cold hand of panic that grips at your heart the second you think about doing something that might be important. Why is that? Is it the fear of not being well received? Of rejection? Part of it might be the dread of knowing that no matter how much work and dedication you put into your piece, no matter how much time you spend making it perfect, no matter how good it actually is, there is no promise that it will succeed. And failure, that’s the worst of it all, isn’t it? Some argue that it’s not. There are incredible quotes about failure being just as important as success. It's part of the learning process, of growing up, but we all know the truth: Failure sucks.